Monday, February 24, 2020


                              Good Lighting and Focus- This has a clear focus on the flower

Rule of Thirds- The jar is centered on the left side and not in the center of the photo

Emphasize Height and Distance- You can see more of the sky than the ground in this picture

Emphasize Foreground- You can see more of the ground than the sky in this picture

Multiple Subjects- there are multiple of different items placed in this picture

Simplicity- Every area in this picture has something to look at there are no blank spaces 

Leading Lines- There are multiple lines that can lead you eyes in  different directions in this picture 

1- I believe my picture that shows rules of thirds is my best shot. I think that's my best shot because the item in my picture is placed well in description with the rules of third. I also believe it's my best shot because the picture is clear and not blurry. I think the lighting of the picture is well not too bright or too dark. and also the color goes well with the lighting they are also not too light or too dark.  

2-I think that the picture I took that would be the weakest shot of this assignment is the picture that shows multiple subject. I thinks that was the worst picture because it looks kinda messy. I think if I was too organize it, it would look better. and also the angle of the picture is not so good. I could've also has less items because it looks crowded and that makes it look messy to me. 

3-In future shots the weakest image could be improved in many ways. Next time I could make sure that the angle of the picture is better. I could organize the items in the picture so that it doesn't look so crowded and messy. I could make sure that the lighting of the picture is more clear next time. and I could also try to have less items in the picture.

6- What I would say was easy about the assignment was having at least 30 pictures. I was able to get at least five shots or more for each composition concepts. It was easy to fit the description of the composition concepts. Editing the pictures so that it would look better than the original picture was also easy. and being able to have all the requirements for the picture was pretty simple.

7- I don't think this assignment was difficult in any ways, it was pretty simple and understanding to me. The one thing I would say was hard was using photo shop for the first time because I didn't understand what I was doing. eventually I got used to it and was able to edit my pictures. And I also had a little trouble with uploading the pictures to the right folder.

8- If I could do this assignment again I would try to take a lot more pictures so that I would have more options to choose from. I would work on bettering the angles of my pictures. I would also make sure the focus and the lighting of the picture is better. And lastly I would try to have the assignment done on time so that i could have a better grade.

9-I would give my self a 4 as effort on this assignment. The reason for that number is because I didn't get it done on time. I know that if I actually tried I would of had a lot more pictures to choose from. I would also have taken better pictures with better angels lighting and focus. I could have also taken more interesting shots then just boring stuff from my room.

Reflection Question:
I was able to meet the goal of the assignment by having most of what was asked for in my pictures. I had taken over 30 pictures and every picture met one of the requirements for the assignment. my strongest picture had good lighting the focus on the picture was clear and it was at a good angle. As to my weakest picture I could've used better lighting and found some better angles so that the picture would be viewed in a better way. three elements that makes my strongest image strong I would say was the lighting, the focus, and the angle or position of the image. three ways i could make my weakest image would be to one have better lighting and focus and also better editing to make the picture better. I would say my over all effort on this assignment was not my best. I would change a lot about my process if I were to do this again. For instance I would get it done on time, spend more time on taking the pictures and making sure everything is its best like lighting and other important stuff, and I would also try to have more interesting and fun pictures.


  1. I really liked the pictures of the flower. In the picture of multiple subjects, I think it would look better if it had some more light. Overall I really liked the pictures, and i think the composition of the flower in the jar was the best

  2. I really liked your pictures but on the outside pictures i feel like you could had better lighting.

